srijeda, 2. svibnja 2018.

Zaful wishlist

Welcome to my new post.

Once again, a post on my favorite site on internet, as always it about Zaful. Moment ago I was checking their site and it was difficult for me to choose stuf for my wishlist, witch I will show you right now. As you know summer is coming, and every girl is in pursuit for a perfect swimming suit. My recommendation is definitly Zaful site because they are great quality and low price. I'm sure that every girl can fine one for herself, because of a a great choices they offer. You can find every costume in many different colours, and sizes witch is most important.

Take a quick look what I choose.

1. Cami Palm Leaf Print Bikini - White 

2. High Cut Bralette Bikini Set - Wine Red

3. Leaf Print Thong Bikini Set - Black

4. High Cut Pineapple Print Bikini Set - Green

5. Caged Bandage Bikini Swimwear - Burgundy

Have you ever ordered from Zaful? What are your experiences?

Broj komentara: 11:

  1. I love the post:)
    Have a nice day, dear!

  2. First and second are cool ;).

  3. Ovaj sa ananasima mi je totalno cool! :) :*

  4. Gledam u ove badiće kako bih ti mogla napisati koji mi je najljepši, ali se stvarno ne mogu odlučiti! :D ovim si me postom podsjetila da se ljeto opasno bliži i da je vrijeme za kupovinu badića, definitivno ću posjetiti i Zaful! Želim ti divan i produktivan dan :)

    Novi post: Happy But Mess

  5. Divni su kupaći kostimi, najviše mi se treći sviđa. :)

    Napisala sam novi post na blogu, pa ako te zanima, pogledaj :)
